A China Memoir: Susan Conley Will Read from her Book, "The Foremost Good Fortune" at the SE Library Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 PM — FOSEL: Friends of the South End Library

A China Memoir: Susan Conley Will Read from her Book, "The Foremost Good Fortune" at the SE Library Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 PM

The South End Writes program will host Susan Conley on Tuesday night, April 26 at the South End Library where she will read from her China memoir, The Foremost Good Fortune, which describes the years she spent there recently with her husband and two young sons. She was diagnosed with breast cancer while in Beijing: the experience of battling the disease in a culture so different from ours is a focus of the book. Conley, a former South End resident, is currently living in Portland, Maine, where she founded a creative-writing lab, The Telling Room. She has been published in the New York Times, the Paris Review and Ploughshares.
