Interim/Intentional Library Services
The significant length of the unplanned branch closure makes it very important to have enhanced interim library services. Regarding interim/intentional space, in a recent FOSEL board meeting we heard from head librarian, Christina Jones, that BPL apparently cannot pay a nonprofit for rental space. This presents a problem in saying an immediate “yes” to USES’ space at their Rutland Square children’s art center. Presumably another funding source could handle the payment, but that is not yet clear.
Any location for interim services will not have a library collection. Book drop-off may be possible, however, until the above space/payment issue is worked out, we won’t know about this.
Christina and Margaret are working on Storytime and Little Groove musical programming for kids which can be held in the park until the weather gets too cold. Christina is planning on initiating a monthly adult book group in September which could meet at FOMU; other ideas are in-process, and we will communicate them as they solidify. Of course, FOSEL will support these activities with publicity materials and communications.
Christina’s learned that the BPL bike mobiles are not available: one is out of commission and the other is located at another branch.
A virtual 8-week GrubStreet personal narrative program is starting on 7/20; it will run until 9/14 on Thursdays from 5pm – 7pm. Registration is currently full, however, there is a waitlist. Click here and scroll to 7/20 for more info.
Architectural Firm Selection/Public Facilities Commission Approval
Our City Project Manager, Rohn (Jay) MacNulty, presented the South End Library project with Utile as the selected architectural firm to the Public Facilities Commission on July 19th at 10am in a public meeting. The PFC approved $679,129 for a programming study and initial design work. Once the contracts are written and signed, there will be a 12-week feasibility study to assess the building and provide input into whether the building could be transformed into a new library to meet the community’s needs or whether a new building will be necessary. Within a few days, a recording of the meeting should be available on the Public Facilities Department’s website.
The City Hall process of contracting will take 1-2 months, so we hope the feasibility work and early design phases will begin in mid-September or sooner.
Community Engagement Process
The Community Engagement Process would involve community meetings during the Programming Study and Design Phases, likely several meetings in each, that would involve the architects, BPL staff, Public Facilities staff, and all community members interested in attending.
In addition to these architect-led meetings, BPL staff plan to reach out to engage with the community, perhaps with specific groups, like Seniors, Youth, etc. The Interim Library Survey that FOSEL presented in early 2023 and a FOSEL report called Introducing our Community updated January 2023 will be provided to the architects.
Early in their work the architects will develop a project timeline which will be published on the BPL website on the South End Branch pages. We will also publish it on the FOSEL website, and it will be available from the South End Community Forum via links and through other social media.